Women in TECH

Our Women in TECH Program provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel at current and future project deliverables. Maximize the time you have to dedicate to learning with sequenced lessons and learning tools built for busy technology professionals. Our Women in TECH Program provides an abundance of resources to prepare for certification exams, trouble-shoot on demand, or acquire new technical skills. Access a wide range of learning modalities, including videos, digital books, audiobooks, practice labs and live learning to learn in the way that works best for you!. These options make our training accessible to people with different learning styles and abilities.

Women Tech Training Learning Journeys

Learning paths designed to move people forward based on a Proven Approach to Learning

Learning journeys start from a variety of tech-based occupations and guide you through knowledge-based steps to elevate your learning and skills to achieve a higher level of understanding within your desired occupation. Learn, grow and take your career opportunities to the next level.
We provide a diverse set of learning tools including videos, books, audio-books as well as practice assessments that complement the diverse ways people learn. Through labs, assessments and practice you’ll gain the relevant skills necessary to elevate your game!


Original price was: $579.00.Current price is: $299.00.


  • Over 3,000 Course Titles

  • Over 100 IT Certification Prep Learning Paths

  • Over 10,000 Digital & Audio Books and Book Summaries
  • Over 18 Popular Tech Journeys
  • Brought to you by experts in their respective industry

  • Course access 24/7

  • Learn at your own pace, location, and time 

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